2024 License Renewal








Credits Needed for Renewal

24 CEUs

Each renewal period requires 24 CEUs – which must include 2 Act31 credits. Credits must be obtained during the renewal timeframe (Sept 2022 – Aug 2024) and cannot be credits used as part of a previous renewal. Act31 credits count towards the required 24 CEUs.

Need CE Credits? Click Here for PCA’s CE Schedule



You are required by law to complete 2 (3 if this is your first renewal) CEUs of Act31 – Mandated Child Abuse Reporter Training as part of you biennial license renewal, and are inclusive to the 24 required for renewal. After completion you must follow ALL instructions in order for the PAFSA to report to the state – PCA is UNABLE to do this for you!

More Questions on Act31 Requirements? Click Here

Need Act31? Click Here for Available Courses from PAFSA!

Renewing Your License

It is YOUR Responsibility!

You must maintain and keep track of your acquired credits, and submit to the State. The PCA does not maintain a record of your CEUs.

Certificates for CEUs obtained through a PCA Events are available in your User Portal under MY LISTS – click on Certificate. You must complete the evaluation to complete the certificate requirements. 

Click here to Renew Your License

You must renew your license ONLINE by August 31, 2024 – THERE IS NO GRACE PERIOD