13 CEs Available
CEs Approved in PA, NJ, DE, MD, and NY
∴12 CE Massage Therapist Program & Full 2-Day CA Training Program∴

The PCA is proud to provide an exceptional lineup of speakers to share with you valuable knowledge, cutting edge technologies, and more ways for you to grow in your chiropractic business. Gain insights and skills to enhance your practice, connect with your colleages.
Seven Springs Resort
777 Water Wheel Dr, Champion, PA 15622
$179/night exclusive rates available!

Keynote Speaker
Dr. Lynn Carlson
Dr. Shannon Smith
Dr. Brandie Keates
Dr. Kurt Juergens
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Sherry McAllister
General Session
Dr. Brett Winchester
CA & Office Training
PA Coding & Compliance Institute & Balance at the Front Desk – Including Current Insurance Hot Topics

Massage Therapist

Sue Lembeck-Edens, MA, LMT, BC-DMT
Licensed Massage Therapist, msg#1465
Board Certified Dance/Movement Therapist, BC-DMT-616
Sue Lembeck-Edens is an experienced educator and practitioner with over 15 years of teaching continuing education courses in ethics, anatomy and physiology, and professional development.
Anatomy & Physiology Review for Massage Therapists
(8 CE credits)
This CE course helps massage therapists deepen their understanding of the musculoskeletal system by reviewing the body’s major bones, joints, and muscles. Students will study the muscles of the lower and upper extremities, and spine, focusing on the origin, insertion, and action (OIA) of each muscle/muscle group. Common musculoskeletal pathologies will be discussed as contraindications for body work techniques. The course includes lectures, group discussions, palpation, and movement exercises.
Professional Ethics for Massage Therapists
(4 CE credits)
This Ethics CE class is designed to emphasize the importance of respect and reverence in the therapeutic relationship for massage professionals. Students will examine their personal and professional values and ethical standards, guided by the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals Code. Through experiential learning, including group discussions and case study reviews, students will promote personal and professional development.


Early Bird Pricing Expires 4/1/2025
♦ PCA Member: $299
♦ Non-Member: $399
♦ PCA Elite Members: FREE
Massage Therapist: $249
♦ 12 CE Program
For CAs & Office Staff:
♦ Full 2-day Program: $129
Registrations after 4/2/2025
♦ PCA Member: $399
♦ Non-Member: $499
Schedule of Events
12:00 pm
PCA Golf Classic & PCA Sporting Clays
PCA Golf Classic
Tee- Time 12:00pm
$100/person – includes cart and snack/beverage at the turn. All proceeds benefit the PCA Legal Fund
Additional Registration is required

PCA Sporting Clays
Start Time 12:30pm
$150/person – includes cart and snack/beverage at the turn. All proceeds benefit the PCA Political Action Committee
Additional Registration is required
6:00 pm
Early Registration & Exhibit Hall Sneak Peek
7:00 pm
Friday Evening Welcome Reception on the Matterhorn Deck
7:00 am
Attendee Registration & Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall
8:00 am
2 CE
Keynote Speaker – Dr. Lynn Carlson
9:45 am
Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
10:00 am
Breakout Sessions
(Select One)
2 CE
Dr. Kurt Juergens
Dr. Brandie Keates
Dr. Shannon Smith
11:45 am
Safeguarding Wealth: Lawsuit Prevention and Tax Strategies (Non-CE)
12:30 pm
Lunch & Exhibitor Showcase
in Exhibit Hall Sponsored By
1:45 pm
Breakout Sessions
(Select One)
2 CE
Dr. Kurt Juergens
Dr. Brandie Keates
Dr. Shannon Smith
3:30 pm
Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
3:45 pm
Breakout Sessions
(Select One)
2 CE
Dr. Kurt Juergens
Dr. Brandie Keates
Dr. Shannon Smith
5:30 pm
Exhibitors Happy Hour
in Exhibit Hall
7:00 am
Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall
8:00 am
1 CE
Keynote Speaker – Dr. Sherry McAllister
8:50 am
Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
9:15 am
2 CE
Dr. Brett Winchester General Session
11:00 am
Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall
11:20 am
2 CE
Dr. Brett Winchester General Session
Venue Information

Seven Springs Resort
777 Water Wheel Dr., Seven Springs, PA
◊ Special rates for Northeast Chiro Summit attendees – starting at $179/night
To learn more about the venue click here
Room Reservations
Exclusive rate of $179 available until April 4th

Prizes include 2025 Memberships, PCA Swag, Gift Baskets, and MORE!
Proud Sponsors
Foot Levelers
Sapphire Sponsor
Foundation for Chiropractic Progress
Speaker Sponsor
Jane App
Diamond Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Stirling Professional CBD
Diamond Sponsor
QuickSilver Scientific
Bronze Sponsor
Gold Sponsor - App Sponsor
Northeast College of Health Sciences
Bronze Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Palmer College of Chiropractic
Bronze Sponsor
Standard Process
Bronze Sponsor
Advanced Medical Equipment
Bronze Sponsor
Medical Marvel Massage Chair
Bronze Sponsor
Interested in Being an Exhibitor?