Seven Springs Resort, Seven Springs, PA
May 2-4, 2025
The Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association is excited to welcome you to the 2025 Northeast Chiro Summit!
We are excited to bring the Summit to the highly requested Seven Springs Resort in Seven Springs, PA and welcome over 200 Pennsylvania Chiropractors for the weekend. We have been planning a lot of great opportunities to engage our audiance with our exhibitors and will be adding in events that are sure to have everyone talking post event. The exhibit hall is our central hub and we hope to see you in it!
We look forward to seeing you at the Northeast Chiro Summit
Dan McCann, DC & Roy Love, DC
PCA Convention Committee Co-Chairs

Brand New for 2025!
The exhibitor carnival will take place in the exhibit hall and attendees will have the opportunity to win prizes from those games. But how do they get to play those games? Great question! Attendees will earn tickets to the games from YOU! Interactions with exhibitors earn tickets for the attendees and great connections for you!

Premier Business Partner Levels include Summit Registration and year long benefits that help promote your business within the PCA.