Inform - Educate - Advocate

PCA exists to inform, educate, and advocate on behalf of the Chiropractor and patient. PCA advocates conservative care first as a verified strategy for safe and cost-effective health care for Pennsylvanians.

Northeast Chiro Summit '24

Are you looking for a convenient and enriching way to complete your license renewal requirements for 2024? Look no further! Join us at the Northeast Chiro Summit in Lancaster from May 3-5 for a comprehensive educational experience tailored specifically for chiropractors like you.

The PCA Newsletter

Contact Your Regional Director

The regional directors are here to help you get what you need from your membership.  Visit the link to get in direct contact with your Central – Western – Eastern Director right away. 

The COCSA (Congress of Chiropractic State Associations) called our Scope “the most archaic and restrictive in the entire country”.  It’s time to make a change.

– Dr. Keith Miller – PCA President

PA Chiropractors have been using an outdated scope of practice for more than half of a Century!

PCA at Work

Current News for PA Chiropractors

Working Group Updates & Info

Please be advised that the PCA X-ray Working Group was successful (as previously mentioned in emails and videos) in petitioning the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in 2022 to lower the annual DEP fees chiropractic offices pay per x-ray tube. This endeavor was started in 2015 by myself, Dr Vic Rizzo chairperson of the X-ray working group, in my position as the chiropractic representative to the PA Radiation and Protection Advisory Committee (RPAC).

The video above explains that the recent June1, 2023 letter you received from DEP refers to an upcoming fee increase to the prior category that chiropractors are leaving. It fails to mention that chiropractors will actually see a fee decrease from $400 to $195 per year per x-ray tube beginning of October 1. This was done by moving chiropractors into the dentist, podiatrist and veterinarian category due to our limited use of x-ray versus continuing in the same category as outpatient x-ray imaging centers like hospitals where chiropractors have been since the beginning of this fee. For those who were billed before October 1, 2023 you must pay the current $400 fee. For those billed after October 1, 2023 you will see the new fees.

Had the PCA NOT been able to get chiropractors moved into this new category, and then instead you would have seen a $130 increase in chiropractic office’s annual fees, or $530 per tube. Therefore, through the hard work of the PCA, ALL Pennsylvania Chiropractors will receive a $335 savings per year to chiropractors who take x-rays. Your PCA dues do make a difference. That means that if you have an X-ray machine, the PCA is really only costing you $265 a year, since the PCA saved you a $335 a year! PCA Dues pay for themselves!

Update from PCA Pediatrics and Pregnancy Working Group Co-Chair Dr. Lawrence Bagnell

News Across the Country

100 Years of Chiropractic Observation from Dr. Lou Sportelli

PCA Business Partners